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Singapore High Court Rules in
Favor of ICC
John Bringardner, General
Counsel, ICC
In the fall of 1998, God gave
us a tremendous legal victory in the Republic of Singapore. Eight years ago,
our brothers and sisters were publicly maligned in one of Singapore's major
newspapers, alleging that the Central Christian Church (CCC) of Singapore,
which is a part of the International Churches of Christ was a cult. God led us
to some
prominent attorneys who were
eager to help us clear our good name. Seven years later, the case went to
trial. After hearing all the testimony of both the disciples and our critics,
the trial judge was persuaded the church was not a cult. In fact, the learned
judge said:
"As we know the facts, the
CCC, of course, cannot by any stretch of the imagination be equated with such
groups. One can say straightaway that CCC is not a commune of half-crazed
people living in isolation from the world at large worshipping and kissing the
foot of some self-appointed messiah or prophet. Most of its members carry on
with their full time jobs just like members of other churches. Its members do
not give up their assets to a commune, and its leaders do not live in riches on
the backs of its members. It is not a secret organisation run by persons with
an agenda which is kept secret from its members. People are welcome to join its
meetings and services. In fact it actively tries to get people to attend these
meetings and services so that they can see if they wish to join. They are made
fuIly aware of what being a member would involve. People are never deceived or
tricked or trapped into joining it."
The newspaper filed an appeal
to the Supreme Court. Jesus told his followers they would be blessed when
people insult them, persecute them and falsely say all kinds of evil against
them because of him. (Matthew 5:11) This past fall the Supreme Court of
Singapore upheld the lower court ruling that we are not a cult. Praise God for
this great victory!